Principal's Message

From the Principal’s desk….

Education is for life. It is not the filling up of an empty pail, but igniting the spark, the fire, of thirst for knowledge and evolution of the self. It’s like a bicycle… If you pedal you move forward and if you don’t you lose balance and fall down. 

It is not for getting a job, but to help an individual to progress in life. So, education is a continuous process.  There is enough to learn from cradle to grave. 

  Our school is an integrated school for the visually challenged. These children with various levels of visual acuity can only see partially or cannot see at all. But they make  us open our eyes to the realities of life. In integrated education we provide the same opportunities and educational experiences for the visually challenged children as those provided for normal children. 

               Integrated education is considered to be the only practical approach. It is an economically viable, psychologically superior, and socially acceptable model to develop all those visually challenged children and to bring them into the mainstream of education and life. 

            Integrated education is not simply placing a child in a regular classroom. As the  child needs special attention and assistance,  it is abundantly provided in our school. They get a feeling of growing up normally as compared to a school only for the visually challenged. Moreover, playing a major role in the corporate social responsibility, we provide the visually challenged children free education. 

Dr. Sr. Ani George


J.M.J. English Medium Higher Secondary School, Athani



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