

O God! the origin of our knowledge, bless our studies, which we consecrate to you, Enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories and direct our wills towards what is right. Help us to speak the truth always and make us truly wise.

Our father in Heaven,
Holy be Your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,
As we forgive those who sin,
against us,
Do not bring us to the test,
But deliver us from all evil, Amen.


O God Almighty, we thank you for this glorious day and for all the benefits of  the day. Forgive us if we have disobeyed our teachers or have done anything wrong. Lead us with your kindly light as we depart to our homes. Keep us from all dangers on the way. Make us to understand your love and care towards us and enable us to meet again Amen.


Bless us, O! Lord / and these your gifts / which we are about to receive from your bounty./ Grant / that we may use the strength you have given us / for the service of our fellow beings./  Amen./




God our loving Father, You are the Teacher of all teachers.
Help me to remember the greatness of the work, which has been given me to do.
Help me always to remember that I work with the most precious material in the world, the mind of a child.
Help me always to remember that I am making marks upon that mind, which time will never rub out.
Give me patience with those who are slow to learn and even with those who refuse to learn.
When I have to exercise discipline, help me to do so, in sternness and yet in love. 
Keep me from the sarcastic and the biting tongue and help me always to encourage and never to discourage those who are doing their best, even if that best is not very good.

Help me to help these children, not only to store things in their memories,but to be able to use their minds and to think for themselves, and amidst the worries and the irritations and the frustrations of my job.

Help me to remember that the future of the nation and of the world is in my hands.
O Lord God, you know my desires, my difficulties and my hopes.
I pray you Lord God to bless all my Co-Teachers and all the students.
I recommend all the benefactors of our Institution and authorities who are responsible for the good of the students and the staff. 
This I ask in your name, Amen. 
Our Father...

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