The academic progress of the student is tested by means of class tests and terminal examinations.
Students are not allowed to be absent during the tests and examinations. Students absent from an examination without grave reasons will be considered having failed in the concerned subject. No re-test will be conducted.
Grades will be given to students showing their progress in studies.
The report of the tests will be recorded in progress card for the information of parents or guardians. These cards must be signed by the parents. Their signature must be affixed within 2 days after the results are recorded and welfare of the students will be discussed on appointed days.
Result declared at the end of the year is final in all cases and will not be reconsidered under any circumstances.
The decision of the Principal in the matter of promotion is final and parents are asked to accept them for the good of their children.
Parents should contact the Principal whenever the progress report is unfavourable and not after the final examination.
A student whose conduct is not up to the school’s standard will be asked to leave the school.